Week 3 / TLF



Welcome to week three! I can't wait to start this week. Tapping has been a pivotal tool in my working towards recovery and balance. Still to this day I tap regularly. I'll share more about that in a bit. This week I'm going to take you through three ways to tap. I will share with you how you can use each method. We will also go over the different areas you can implement each method to really get the most from this tool! 

Why is tapping amazing?

Tapping is a staple tool for me. I use it every day. I use it with my children and my clients. This is an incredibly powerful tool to help someone redirect their thoughts and calm themselves in as little as 30 seconds. This tool can be used when you are angry, overwhelmed or when you are in a situation out of control. For example, if you are a person who experiences panic attacks or has a loved one who experiences these attacks. This can be a tool you can use on pretty much anything and everything in life. I use tapping for releasing negative thought patterns, traumatic events, addictions, and fear based thoughts. I also use tapping for weight loss and positive aspects like test taking and speaking. It is so versatile. 

How does EFT work?

When using Emotion Freedom Tapping you are accessing different pressure points on the body. These points correlate with your meridians (think energy highway in your body if your not familiar with the meridian system). When you tap in these areas you access the acupressure points and send the body and brain signals to calm its self down. Much like with acupuncture, but without the needles. This action takes the brain out of fight or flight and tells the amygdala to stop releasing cortisol. That allows the body to settle into a relaxed state. 

Who can TAP? 

Again, if you haven't noticed there is a theme happening here. ANYONE. This tools can be used with all age groups. Anyone, anywhere can tap. I experienced an amazing mom moment not long ago where my son was in class when one of his class mates fell down and was upset. My son helped him sit in a chair and said "Don't worry I fall down and get upset too. My mom showed me this trick and it helps me feel better..." he then started to show the other boy how to tap. They both agreed it helped and went on with what they were doing. I literally wanted to give myself a BIG high five! But I knew he was only sharing the tool because he had used it, experienced relief from it, and knew it worked. I will mention that they were 2, 5 year old boys. So don't hesitate to use this with kids.

But what if I can't use my hands or the person I want to help can't use their hands?

That is actually not a problem at all. I know, sounds weird right? Let me show you ways to use tapping in those cases. Say you have a tiny baby who is inconsolable. They clearly are not going to tap on their own. There are two options you can choose in this case. The first is to tap on the baby for the baby. You can do this on the clavicle, the hand, or the back. this can help them calm down. If that is not working, then you or someone in the room can tap and set the intention that everyone in the room is calm. This can be an incredibly helpful tool for brand new parents, teachers in an assembly, someone on a flight, or someone in an emergency situation. As Intention is incredibly powerful and when we choose to set an intention and act on it we become the dominant energy in the room.You can see this happen when people get mad and take over the energy of a room. It works the same, but in a positive way in this case. You have actively chosen to be conscious of your thoughts and it carries over to all around you. So you would set the intention and tap. Again the hand, and clavicle are great locations for this.This can be used for so many situations and to help so many people. It can be used for people with pain that are not able to use their arms or hand. It can be used for people who have limited mobility or range of motion of their hands.


Watch here:


Lets learn about the gamut space option. We're going to speak during this time and we can do this in two ways. We can either say anything that's coming up like "I feel safe, I feel supported, I feel happy, I feel ignored, I feel...." Whatever is coming into your head just start spitting it out and saying it whether it's positive or negative. We want you to just move through what is coming to the surface of your emotions. Just tap through what's coming up. When it comes down to it, the more that you tap the more that you'll be able to undo thoughts that are coming to you and recognize the true thoughts that are actually causing you to feel the emotions that you are looking to redirect. The other way that we can do this is to utilize the tapping words we used earlier, like a script, where we would tap through saying "Even though I'm (fill in the blank) I deeply and completely love and accept myself" and we can do that over and over again or we can do that like we've set it up when we go through a whole tapping sequence and say it three times and then just say the one thing that's bothering us while we're tapping. Wonderful I hope this helps you feel better


Watch here:

Just like when tapping through a full sequence, using the gamut space tapping or the clavicle space, can be a great alternative. This is helpful if you are in a space your not comfortable going through a full sequence. This is also a great spot to use when tapping with your teens or toddlers. 

Great! I can't wait to hear how you use these tools in the coming week and moving forward. I would love to hear what you notice from this tool! It is very easy to use, but so incredibly effective. Don't forget to set yourself up for getting the most out of this program by making time in your day to use these tools. The easiest way to do this is to copy the video link and add it to your calendar or alarm. That way you have a reminder and can quickly access the information.

Enjoy! See you next week! 

Next week we will talk about the Emotion Code and how you can use it in your life.


*50% of ALL proceeds from ALL our sales goes to running this project. Help support it getting more support by working with me 1:1 or be part of our mission helping get these tools into the hands of those who need them most!

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