Week 4 / TLF


Hello welcome back! 

Welcome to week 4! This week we will be learning about the Emotion Code. This tool has been the tool that has had the greatest impact on my life. With out this tool I would not be here today. That may sound like an exaggeration, I can assure you it's not. 

In week one I shared with you a glimpse of my back story. I shared why I show up in this space the way I do. Focusing mainly on the immediate history of what brought me to this work and these tools. Here is the bigger picture though. I have needed these tools all my life. I have had experiences in my life that have made me become a statistic in more areas then I can count. A big part of this was, because I wasn't able to release the emotional magnet I carried, these are called trapped emotions. Carrying this baggage made me a an energetic match for the events I encountered. That would have been different if I had these tools and been able to use to release them. That has also been a huge part of why and how this program has come to fruition. As I have seen a greater need for people to have tools to support and empower themselves. 


Watch here:


Don't get me wrong I wouldn't change my life. It has been a, "made for Hallmark movie." For as many challenges I have been through I have been given 10 fold the strength, support and determination to overcome these obstacles. However, I share these tools today and the work I do, so that you don't have to go through what I went through. So you don't have to break and hit rock bottom. So you can empower yourself and those around you to have a life filled with balance, love and support. 

How does the Emotion Code Work?

The Emotion Code is ancient Chinese medicine and kinesiology being used to find imbalances in the body that are creating unwanted symptoms (fatigue, anxiety, headaches, overwhelm, etc.) and release them. This allows the body to create balance again and stops the symptoms.

Who can benefit from the Emotion Code?

Again this is great for people of all ages. I have worked with infants, to the elderly and everyone in between. 

What can the Emotion Code help with? 

The list is limitless, a few examples are:
- anxiety
- overwhelm
- stress
- focus
- self worth
- physical pain
- mental pain
- emotional pain
- fear
- overcoming obstacles (public speaking, test taking)
- trouble sleeping

How would someone work with you?
That is the best part about this work (and all my the tools I share) I run what is called a virtual practice. I do not have a brick and mortar location. I meet with all my clients on a live video session (I use Zoom), on a phone call, or by full distance. Making it easy for everyone to have time to get support in the struggles of life and let go of what they want to to achieve they life they dream of. 

Ready to experience an Emotion Code session? Here are the links to be able to experience one for you and one to share with a friend!


*50% of ALL proceeds from ALL our sales goes to running this project. Help support it getting more support by working with me 1:1 or be part of our mission helping get these tools into the hands of those who need them most!

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