Week 2 / TLF


Hello and welcome back!

We are going to be discussing a form of thought training that I use. I implement this in my home and work. You will see I do that with all of these tools. That is why I can guarantee to you that they work so well. My family, my clients and myself are living proof. They are so versatile and simple anyone can use them. 

What is this “Says Who” method?

I was introduced to this transformation thought tool during my Thought Coaching Certification. I immediately loved it because it was easy to use and easy to share. The Says Who Method is a form of questions that we can ask ourselves to regain control of our thoughts. We walk ourselves through a series of questions that has us view our thought not just allowing it to be thought. 

What does that even mean? 

Here is the thing. Many of us are walking around thinking thousands of thoughts and many of them are repeat thoughts that aren’t even ours. This is our conditioning. We have them from family, friends, educational systems, television, you name it, its conditioning you on some level. The trick is that most of these are completely subconscious. We don’t even realize they are happening or that we have been affected by them. Crazy I know. So, with the Says Who Method we are actually going to acknowledge some of these thoughts and see them. 

How do we do that if we don’t know about them?

That is the beauty of this series of questions. We are going to acknowledge a feeling or a circumstance. These programs and subconscious thoughts surface in our life as external issues. That is how we will see them and be able to redirect them. This could be a situation like your boss being a jerk, or your overworking and tired all the time, maybe you keep hearing yourself, tell yourself, you’re not good enough. This is when we stop and see it for what it is.

How can this be helpful?

This thought process method can be useful working with children and adults. Helping someone to their thoughts or for you to see your own thoughts is very empowering and can allow you to let go of things that have been weighing on you that you haven’t been able to redirect from. When we redirect our thoughts, we create new neuro pathways and new programs for our lives. This can be helpful for people working in healthcare, working with children, people who have difficulty sleeping, or are overwhelmed.
This tools is extremely useful and effective when working with fear based thoughts.

Let’s get started:

We can do this anywhere at any time. To start out though, please sit. Be still and just take some breaths. What comes to mind? (Maybe your remembering a past situation or something that happened even today) 

Look at it. (I mean acknowledge it. Maybe that means you say it out loud or you replay it in your head)

Now let’s start using our tools on it. I want you to walk through these 6 questions and be honest with yourself. There are no write or wrong answers. We are just here to become clearer in our thoughts.

  1. Ask yourself “Says who?” (have you said this or have you heard someone else say it?)

  2. Do you like this thought?

  3. Does this thought make you feel better?

  4. Does this thought work for you?

  5. Are you in control of this thought?

  6. Do you want to keep this thought or let it go?

(At this point I like to see myself writing it on a piece of paper and throwing it away.)


Watch here:


At first these thoughts may seem silly. You may feel like why am I even doing this. That’s okay. No worries. No judgments. It is completely out of most people’s comfort zone to be asking themselves these types of questions. However, there is a bigger reason behind this then just walking through the questions. Each time we do this exercise and answer these questions we give ourselves the ability to reprogram our thought processes and to let go of what thoughts we don’t like, or that don’t serve us. Doing this allows us to completely take control of the different areas of our lives that seem “fixed” or “stuck” because many times there is a generational or outside program that is creating that pattern and you can now release it.

The more you practice this tool the more you will see that so many of the thoughts that you are thinking really have nothing to do with you and that you can easily let them go. To work more with this tool print out the PDF and follow the examples. Use this as often and in as many situations as you can come across. You will really be amazed at what you learn about your thoughts. You will be so empowered and supported when you decide what thoughts to keep and which to let go.

I am here to help you through this program so please reach out to me if you have any questions. I cannot wait to hear about your experience and how these tools bring you balance! 

See you next week for Emotion Freedom Tapping/ EFT.


*50% of ALL proceeds from ALL our sales goes to running this project. Help support it getting more support by working with me 1:1 or be part of our mission helping get these tools into the hands of those who need them most!

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