Traveling With Essential Oils
Traveling With Essential Oils
Why? What? How?
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Traveling With Essential Oils
Why? What? How?
In case you hadn’t noticed lately that something very old has become all the rage, again.
Everywhere you look essential oils are lining the isles and end caps of pretty much every store in one way or another. Today I want to talk to you about using them while traveling!
Because well it is summer and we are all traveling more and more. Or if we have (traveled) we wished we had brought something for… or if we haven’t lets be prepared!
I have a lot of friends and clients asking about “what can I use?”, “how can I use it?”, of course I teach them the self administered stress resolving techniques that I use, I also give suggestion for other support tools like essential oils.
Lets get into it!
Why would you even use essential oils while traveling?
If your new to oils, if you’ve caught on to the excitement and are not well versed you may not realize the incredible anti anxiety affects that oils can have, or that they can be used as your first aid support and personal care items saving you time, money, and space. Plus the biggest and best aspect of that when purchased responsibly they are natural and toxin free! Making them safe for you and your family.
So what are some oils to travel with?
Let me give you my top 5 oils to travel with, and then I will share why!
1.) Lavender
2.) Vetiver
3.) Lemon Balm
4.) Peppermint
5.) Copaiba
Now let me break down the list of oils, why I specifically chose them, and why they are my go to travel companions and should be yours too!
1.) Lavender
Pretty much everyone loves lavender it’s beautiful, fragrant, yet subtle. We have all seen it labeled and marketed for relaxation. Yay! That will help on a long flight or standing in lines. However it is wildly overlooked for it’s ability to aid in communication, which is vital while traveling with those your with and those around you. It is also a great antiseptic and pain reliever. The root of the word literally means “to wash” in Latin. SO it is also fantastic for personal care and hygiene.
Wear on the back of the neck, throat, temples, or wrists.
2.) Vetiver
This is a more sweet woody smelling oil. It’s one I found many are unfamiliar with. It is known as the “oil of tranquility”. It is fantastic at helping you stay centered and moving through situations. It (Like with Lavender) is a great insect repellent too. It can aid in stomach ailments and calming menstrual cramps.
Wear on wrists, abdomen, and bottom of the feet.
3.) Lemon Balm
Citrus smelling yes but is actually not a fruit. It is a great insect repellent. It is also uplifting and a joy inhibiting aroma. This can be used as a wake me scent in the morning after traveling and jet lag (or long night out), it can also be used as an afternoon pick me up. Use it to purify and brighten your skin by adding it to your cream or applying it “neat”.
Wear on skin to brighten and cleanse complexion, wrists, and ankles.
4.) Peppermint
Widely overlooked peppermint is often an oil most people reach past. However I am NEVER without it. This oil can be added to spruce up blah water, seltzer, or tonic water. It is great for digestion when used externally. Which is often times something that affects most travelers and vacationers due to diet, dehydration, and stress. It is also great for indigestion, and treating headaches. Bonus when traveling somewhere hot wear it on your feet and neck to feel cooler. This helps during the day and at night to fall asleep.
Wear on neck, feet, stomach, and chest
*use with a carrier oil when applying and be cautious when ingesting oils not all brands are indigestible.
5.) Copaiba
This wet woody smelling oil is getting a lot of attention lately. It is an incredibly calming oil. Traditionally an oil used by Brazilian natives to heal skin is can be used as a first aid tool for minor cuts and bruises, it’s great on mosquito bites. Great for digestion support. This oil compliments and mixes well with almost any oil. Plus it is incredible for using for relaxation.
Wear on stomach, forehead, back of neck.
You may have noticed a trend while you were reading through this list? Did you catch it? These oils can be mixed and matched and used together. Each of them compliments each of the others. You can cover your bug repellent, skin care, deodorant, perfume, first aid, and mood support all from these 5 oils. Pretty awesome if you ask me. Saving you a ton of time, ton of space, and ton of money. I say win all around!
You can pack your oils in your check bag but I tend to carry them with me in my carry on. I want them handy and accessible to me at all times. This pouch is a great way to keep them together in your carry on. My oils are in one in my purse at all times, it’s kinda a running joke with those close to me. Now they will ask me what I have and see if it is the same as the last time we saw each other. I love it because I can just grab them and switch them from one bag to another as needed with no hassle. I’ll teach you more of my oil organization in another post, I promise.
A word to the wise (or the newbie) I tend to put my mixes in rollers and carry them here for quick access and clean application. Then I put my bottles in a travel pouch, then put that in a zip lock bag, then in my suitcase. You never know when you will need a refill or what you’ll use more. Also you never know what could happen so you want to make sure they don’t leak on your clothes. Plus keep in mind TSA standards for travel a roller is within that 3 oz limit where most essential oil bottles tend to be 5-10 oz. There is nothing worse then having to toss your oil at the gate when going through security because it exceeds the limit. Specially when it is one of the pricier oils. It’s better to just not be in that situation.
I love essential oils and I love sharing my knowledge on them and my alternative holistic life. You can tune in to Nashua Public Radio Weds at 1:05 PM EST or visit their page to learn more about oils with me as I share on Mid Day With Jocelyn.
I am not an affiliate of a company but here is who I get my oils from.
and for oils they don’t carry I use companies like Aura Cacia, Plant Therapy, and Thrive Oils. I also buy them other places. I will be sharing more about that in another article that I will link here. I have used oils for years and use them in my practice and I make sure to get good quality oils.
Any who. Hope this was helpful! If you loved it let me know in the comments. If you have your own must travel oils tell me what they are and why you love them. I might need to swap mine out if you have a great one!
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
I'm Rebecca Packard, a passionate practitioner for living from love. As a Wife, Boy Mom, Daughter, Friend & Entrepreneur!
I invite you to join me on this journey to create balance being the CEO of my best life. As I share the tools, tips, & tricks I use everyday for making sure everyone is happy, healthy, living free & living their best life!
I'm open to any & all of your ideas, too, so be sure to share them by commenting on the blog posts, I do read them! AND will respond!
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“The purpose of my life is to connect people with their higher power, their truest self. Supporting them in healing wounds, expressing acceptance. While inspiring them to feel the bliss life can be."
- Rebecca Packard
Rebecca strives to support others on their path to a whole life. Through her blogs, group, and events she shares the modalities and practices that she uses in her life, with her family and clients to create full life balance. Sharing all the ways she is supporting herself and others in living their best life. She is passionate about and truly believes that everyone can and should live a life they are passionate about built from balance and purpose.