Supporting Yourself Through September In A Holistic Way
Supporting Yourself Through September
In A Holistic Way
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Supporting Yourself Through September
Everything You Need To Make September Great In A Holistic Way
For those of us with kiddos and businesses September is a crazy time of year. A new space to reevaluate whats working and whats not. A time to shift all the calendars as school starts, and all the things that go with that. Plus our grown up lives and work schedules. Luckily for me and so many other momprenuers we get to shift our work schedules to whatever we want.
However one BIG thing I see that doesn’t seem to roll into the September schedule from the summer schedule is the much needed self-care time. As all our well balanced routines get reconfigured and put to the test this seems the first thing to hit the chopping block. Like “oh yeah summer is over no more mom nights I got…”, “No more feet in the sand one afternoon a week so and so has…”, “No more relaxing it’s time to get back to the grind stone summer is over.”
I call BS. I say no way Jose. That is the worst thing you can do to yourself, AND everyone around you! I would rather you think about the summer things you were doing that brought you joy, peace, relaxation and how you can bring them with you into fall. Into September and the rest of the year. Because come on that is why we all look forward to summer, that is why so many people wish they lived on the beach. It has less to do with the beach and more to do with the emotional state you are in when you are there. Yes we all know that the beach has super healing abilities with the salty air, sea, and the ionizing affects. But you long for it because you’re on vacation or a time out when you go.
I want you to love your life daily that much. I want you to have a piece of that weekly if you can’t make it happen daily. Not just because you deserve it, because lets be real YOU DO, but because it is also good for your health, your kids, your significant other, and your work.
So how can you support yourself through September?
Let me share some holistic tools that I use and share with my clients to bring that much needed relaxation, mental, and emotional support with you into the fall.
I will share with you my go to oils, crystals, teas, and tools for this month.
For September
Lets Start with Essential Oils:
I am a huge fan of Aroma Therapy. I use Essential Oil Emotion Release Technique, and essential oils in my home and private practice. I love that more and more people are opening up to the uses of essential oils and the great support they can give you. I do recommend safe practices of oils and if you’re not familiar how to use please reach out as I’m a total safety first kind of person (Comes from my decades in Emergency Medicine).
Let me share the four oils I lean to for September here. Focused at the energy of the month and share how they can support you. You can use them individually, together, or mix and match. You can use them day to day, or week to week. If your familiar with my guest spot on Midday With Jocelyn Radio show each Wednesday you know I pick out an oil of the week. You can do that with these too assigning each oil a week by how they fall on your emotional need for the calendar.
The oils for September:
Melissa - nicknamed “the elixir of life” This is a wonderful oil for every woman to own. The properties and vibration of this oil awaken the truth and light within, reminding you of who you are and the power you hold. Melissa supports in letting go of any low vibrations holding you down keeping you small. It is wonderful for alleviating stress and tension, it even has the ability to reduce blood blood pressure. Great for any women to use during and around your menstrual cycle aiding in balancing PMS. It also is a great go to for relief from migraines. Supports and draws out the emotions and feeling of contagious enthusiasm, optimism, integrity, liberation, and spiritual connection. While supporting in the release and healing from despair, hopelessness, burdened and overwhelmed.
Psst want to know a secret? Melissa is also often referred to as lemon balm .
Roman Chamomile - The oil of Spiritual Purpose this oil is very relaxing and pleasant to smell. Often said to smell of fresh apples. It is highly prized for its skin healing properties. But is widely known for its ability to calm the nerves, relax feelings of irritation, and impatience. Supporting one in feeling calmer and more at peace. This oil also has the ability to help one shed whats no longer serving them and let go of meaningless activities to align with your true purpose with focus and confidence. Roman Chamomile aids its user in feeling guided, connected, fulfilled, and peaceful. Releasing any feelings of purposelessness, discouraged, and frustrated.
Cedarwood - A soft scent that aids in relief of tension and anxiety. The oil of community much like the tree family it is from is used for bringing people together to experience strength and value through unity. This oil supports in opening the heart to giving and receiving in balance. While helping to remind you that you are not alone. Helping to create social bonds and relationships. Creating and fueling the emotions of belonging, connection, supported. Releasing the emotions of lonely, invisible, separate.
Patchouli - This is a love it or hate it scent. It has gotten a stigma around it. However it is a very strong oil beyond its scent in its frequency. This oil is extremely grounding and stabilizing. It aids in becoming present and balanced. Helping to settle the “busy” person and allowing them to find moderation in the now. Supporting connection of the mind and body it allows an individual to slow their pace to create true union with ones self. Allowing one to feel peace from with in. Patchouli helps the wearer connect and create more feelings of confidence, stability, acceptance, balance, moderation. While allowing and supporting the release of body tension, shame, judgement, and disconnection from ones self.
These scents each hold their own wonderful qualities. They all together remind use to be in touch with nature and the Earth while calming the nervous system. Soothing us from feelings of being overwhelmed, overrun, and/or overworked.
If you would like to work more with oils and emotions please reachout or join my community The Gathering With Rebecca Packard as I am sharing more and more about the great tool that oils are.
Note: as I have said before I am not “in” an Essential Oil business. However I do share family and friends links to help them with their businesses also because I use oils and want to share high quality products from trusted sources. If you are a regular here you have been well informed on my views and how I am creating community supporting community. If you choose to support that thank you if not no worries read here for other high quality options.
Next Tools Is Earthing:
It is no wonder we are all re-calibrating, realigning, and re-balancing at this time of year. We are in the waning phase of the year. Moving into harvest season. The energy of this time is associated with the Earth and grounding is extremely beneficial. One way to ground is to do a meditation. But right now it’s also a wonderful time to do whats called Earthing. Because it’s still warm enough to be outside bare foot and it forces you to continue to get outside I highly recommend this practice.
How to practice Earthing:
Go out side. Go to a grassy or clean dirt space. Take your shoes off so you are barefoot soles to the Earth, if you aren’t already. This can be a great morning or evening practice to start or end your day. Feel your feet on the Earth. While you stand just breath. This can be a great time for you to do do a breathing exercise, give thanks, say a prayer, recite your affirmations, think about the wonderful day a head or remember all the great moments you had in your day. Whatever feels good to you. Or just bask in the silence and connection. By standing bare foot on the Earth you are creating a connection with the planet and the energy of that it has.
Earthing benefits you by releasing the built up energy (think static electricity, or balancing too much positive/negative energy) you have collected through out your day and releases from you. Which then has the benefits of improved sleep, help manage pain, and normalizes cortisol (a stress hormone) to reduce the stress response.
Take it up a notch and add some Yoga to your Earthing practice by doing Tree Pose. This will have added benefits as Vrikshasana (tree pose) improves balance, coordination, strengthens and tones abdomen, legs, and buttocks. While calming your nervous system.
Many people are falling in love with crystals these days. Which isn’t surprising as more and more people open up to holistic/ natural/ alternative healing and well-being. Whatever you are called to call it be open to seeing that there are many modalities, many ways of practicing, and what works for you may not work for everyone else. That is okay that is why there are so many options. Also recognize that this doesn’t make the others wrong or less than. It just means you and your frequency need something else and that’s okay. I say this because the crystals I share may or may not align with what you have been taught. I have chosen these crystals because they have been given to me to share because of their frequency, the emotional support they can work with, and how they show up in the energy of the month.
Much like with the essential oils you can work with these crystals individually or all together. Lean into what feels right for you. During each month I like to take the crystals for that month and keep them on a plate on my desk. At the beginning of the month I like to get the crystals together cleanse them, clear them, and concentrate them for the month ahead.
The crystals for September:
Jade - Most people look at jade and think abundance, yet focus it only on .monetary gains That drastically down plays the energy that jade holds. Yes it is the crystal of abundance. Abundance with prosperity, love, friendship. It is also the crystal of harmony, stability, and generosity. It has a vibration that aids in enjoying being alive. It yields protection from harm. It also is supportive in emotional release and healing. Creating stability. It also helps it’s carrier tune into self. Supporting self-discovery and encouraging you to become the best version of yourself. With all its amazing benefits I like to carry a piece of jade in my purse at all times.
Amazonite - Amazonite is the crystal of speaking from ones heart. It supports you in being your true self while creating connection with others. So you don’t lose yourself. This stone allows you to embrace your authenticity while creating harmony and balance. Releasing toxic thoughts from the past that would cause you to hide or not be you. It also aids in your perception. Allowing you to see both sides of a situation.
Carnelian - Embody your courage and vitality while fearlessly taking action. Carnelian amplifies your aliveness! Your life force energy. A crystal known for it’s energizing, activation, and vitalization attributes it is stone every mom and entrepreneur should carry. It is grounding helping in creating a sound foundation. While supporting in uplifting and expanding it’s owners energy. It protects against negative emotions, and attracts success while promoting quick problem solving.
Zircon - This is a very powerful stone and most overlook it. Or just don’t know about it. This crystal helps you to funnel energy down and through your chakras. It aids in helping to move sluggish energy while supporting grounding. They are known as “the stone of virtue” and are said to aid and heighten your intuitive ability. They can help you to bring your vision into reality manifesting your dreams. They are also said to have spiritual protection abilities.
Tea can be an extremely soothing and relaxing drink. You can make your tea as simple as you would like or as ritual as you like. I drink tea in a bag from my favorite mug while my kids run around yelling and squealing, I also drink tea steeped loose leaf in a beautiful pot poured into fine bone China and sipped on my porch in silence and take time to inhale the aroma of the flower essences that are in the tea I’m enjoying. Try not to over complicate it, make it as enjoyable and easy to do as possible because then you will actually do it.
During this month I lean to a peppermint and fenugreek tea. This is a tea that is refreshing and balancing. I tend to drink peppermint year round because of all it’s amazing benefits however with the fenugreek is exceptionally beneficial during September with the energy that the month holds. You may be surprised that this tea is focused at nursing mothers but anyone can use it and gain it’s benefits. One of the reasons mothers can have difficulty nursing is because of stress hormones being released, well our goal is to relax, and if it can help a mam who just brought a new life into the world calm down it surely can help us. You are more than welcome to mix your own or find an herbalist to mix you up some but this works in a pinch and for convenience. The great part about the peppermint and fenugreek is it will also aid in sharpening your focus so you can organize your thoughts and to-do lists. While calming your nerves. So sip it often through out this month.
You can read on the box how to prepare the tea. I like to add a teaspoon of wild honey from my favorite local farm. I typically enjoy this after dinner to wind down while we get the boys ready for bed and the day comes to an end.
I love sharing the things that make my life easier. The tools that help me create calm in the chaos of life and take my self-care up a notch. I know how hard this can be and it has taken me years to get to this point so don’t beat yourself up if you have difficulty remembering EVERYTHING. You don’t have to. If your just starting out pick one thing to implement and add to your calendar with an alarm to remind you. If you have been building and want to do them all you can do the same thing or even better print out my FREE pdf that will give you a mini go to guide on what to use, why, and when. GET IT HERE
Love what you learned? Well here is a special treat! A sneak peek at the extras you get when you download my pdf.
Salt Bath using Kali Sulphuricum aka Kali Sulph (Cell Salt #7)
Energy, Observation, health, adaptation, connection
Navy Blue, gray, green, tan
Meditation to practice this month Perfectionist Meditation
Tune in at the beginning of each month to get more tips, tricks, and tools for the focused energy of the month. If you use these practices I would love to hear which you chose and how they helped you!
Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash
I'm Rebecca Packard, a passionate practitioner for living from love. As a Wife, Boy Mom, Daughter, Friend & Entrepreneur!
I invite you to join me on this journey to create balance being the CEO of my best life. As I share the tools, tips, & tricks I use everyday for making sure everyone is happy, healthy, living free & living their best life!
I'm open to any & all of your ideas, too, so be sure to share them by commenting on the blog posts, I do read them! AND will respond!
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“The purpose of my life is to connect people with their higher power, their truest self. Supporting them in healing wounds, expressing acceptance. While inspiring them to feel the bliss life can be."
- Rebecca Packard
Rebecca strives to support others on their path to a whole life. Through her blog, group, workshops, retreats, webinars, events and as a public speaker she shares the techniques and practices that she is certified in. That she uses in her life, with her family and clients to create full life balance. Sharing all the ways she is supporting herself and others in living their best life. She is passionate about and truly believes that everyone can and should live a life they are passionate about built from balance and purpose.