4 Musts For Every Mom
4 Musts for Every Mom
Daily Practices Of Self-care
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4 Musts For EVERY Mom
Daily Practices Of Self-care
Hello Mamas! I love that you are here and you are reading this blog. So I will honor your time because time is crucial to us. We are busy! Am I right? I have two tiny humans of my own that I am raising along with being a wife, running a house hold, running my business and all the things. So I get it.
Let me share these tools with you to help you do all of those things better. These tools will help you make the most of your time. They help you make time for connection. Because really that is what we all want. We didn’t have babies to be busy all the time and not connect with them. We didn’t decide to have a family to not be able to show up in it. We did these things because we wanted connection and to be part of something bigger than us. Even if we didn’t realize it at the time.
But now reality has struck. We are deep in the trenches and there doesn’t seem to be any time for anything. You sit down and someone needs something. You take a shower and someone sits 4 feet away and talks at you. And there seems to be a never ending to do list. Even for the most scheduled person this is a lot. It can be overwhelming.
Yeah I know some will say “well that’s part of life” and others will chalk it up to poor time management. But here is the big picture it is in these times where we lose our cool. It is in these times where the beautiful little things in life, the treasure moments, are being stolen from us because we are at our wits end. Plus we are in these moments because we are in a pattern that we want to break but haven’t quite figured out how to step out of. They are deep patterns and well sometimes we can’t even see them because we inherited them.
So I want to support you in changing this. I want to help you take back that time. I want to help you to help yourself find calm in the chaos. Here are my 4 MUST do every day simple yet extremely effective tools for helping you be the best mama you can be:
Protect your energy
Take a breath
Find gratitude
Clear your space
I know you’re probably looking at this list and thinking is that it? Yes. Yes it is. Let me walk you through them to share why they are so effective.
Protect your energy
You may think “what the helk does that mean?” or you may think “okay yeah why?” and here is the thing as busy moms we tend to a lot of needs for others. As women we are natural care takers. But when we are tired, have taken on to much, or are not feeling well we take on everyone’s energy too. In all areas of life we can plainly see this play out. The strongest energy in the room wins. Whether that is you or the hungry three year old. So lets help you be the strongest energy! So everyone can win!
Each day when I wake up I will say “shields up” I have even taught my children to do this now and it has helped everyone in our house. This helps you to be in your energy and to not be reactive to all the energy around you. This helps you to take a second to respond to the world around you in a way that serves you better. It also helps you not lose yourself in other peoples emotional drama.
So how do you do this? You will talk to your support team. This might be angels, God, a higher power (whoever you are comfortable talking to), You will ask that your energy and your being be protected and shielded from all that is not of your highest and greatest good. At this time you can add “every time I say shields up, I would like you to activate this protection” and then do this each day.
Take a breath
One of the simplest things you can do but one of the most over looked tools (because it is so simple). We have become a society of shallow breathers. Shallow breath tells our body we are in danger, and the bodies response is to cut supplies to non essential areas of the body and to trigger our fight or flight response. When we take nice long deep breathes we tell our nervous system that we are safe and that we are healthy. So by stopping and taking a few deep breathes our body responds by flushing us with our feel good hormones, and putting our whole body back online and going into rest and restore mode.
To do a reset use a 4-4-4-4 method this widely known as breathing in a box. You inhale for a 4 count, hold for a four count, exhale for a 4 count, and hold for a 4 count. Repeat four times.
Find gratitude
Study after study supports that consciously choosing to find gratitude throughout the day (and in times of difficulty) improves physical health, improves psychological health, reduces aggression, and improves mental strength among other things. All good things for any mama.
You can choose to just verbally list and say your gratitude’s. I like to write my 5 gratitude’s in the morning and 5 at night. I list them in my planner. I also will start listing gratitude’s if I find myself out and about with out a pen and paper by just speaking them.
Clear your space
Yes we want to have neat and tidy houses. But I am talking about energetically clearing your space. We can see dirt and disarray but sometimes we forget that everything and everyone has an energetic frequency and imprint. So making it a regular practice to clear the energy in your home and around you is extremely helpful. I do this daily. Yes daily because of my work and because my family is sensitive to energy.
This can be an elaborate practice, or beautiful ritual. But it doesn’t have to be. Specially if that will deter you from doing it. I do both. Weekly I will smudge and do all the things. However daily I will call on my team ( that is your angels, guides, God, Higher power) and I will ask they come in for my highest and greatest good and clear all energy that is not for my highest and greatest good and is not in support of my highest and greatest good.
These tools can help you to keep your cool as a mom, a business owner, and as a spouse. They can also help you to connect with your family. The tools can also help you to empower your family by learning these tools, using these tools, and then teaching your children and spouses to use them too!
By embracing these tools you are empowering yourself to live your best life and show up in the world as your best self. Congratulations mama! You will find that these tools will bring you peace and balance. They will also give you back precious time.
I would love to hear how these tools support you and what you experience by practicing them. Let me know in the comments.
Photo by The Honest Company on Unsplash
I'm Rebecca Packard, a passionate practitioner for living from love. As a Wife, Boy Mom, Daughter, Friend & Entrepreneur!
I invite you to join me on this journey to create balance being the CEO of my best life. As I share the tools, tips, & tricks I use everyday for making sure everyone is happy, healthy, living free & living their best life!
I'm open to any & all of your ideas, too, so be sure to share them by commenting on the blog posts, I do read them! AND will respond!
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“The purpose of my life is to connect people with their higher power, their truest self. Supporting them in healing wounds, expressing acceptance. While inspiring them to feel the bliss life can be."
- Rebecca Packard
Rebecca strives to support others on their path to a whole life. Through her blogs, group, and events she shares the modalities and practices that she uses in her life, with her family and clients to create full life balance. Sharing all the ways she is supporting herself and others in living their best life. She is passionate about and truly believes that everyone can and should live a life they are passionate about built from balance and purpose.