Redesign your life to live free

Receive a value of over $32,400 in releases

*Early Bird Special! Only available through March 30th.

rebecca packard true you

Change your life by returning to your truest frequency!

In this one of a kind, premium series of releases, that have been carefully curated and hand selected on focused areas of your life for optimal transformation.

Rebecca implements and facilitates the releases of the burdens of life (a.k.a your emotional baggage) and re calibrates you to your divine truth. Using multiple modalities to support your energetic frequency in returning to love and above!

Giving you the ultimate life experience!

In this package we will remove your trapped emotions to help you live free, love free, and show up fully in your life!

Rebecca’s work is truly transformational! Our journey together really brought about incredible internal shifts not only with in me, but trickled out to my family as well. Removing my heart wall was probably the most transformational aspect and from there, it was continuing to peel back the layers and continuing to release.
— Christina Neyhart Coach and Emotion Freedom Tapping Practitioner

You don’t have to do it all yourself…

Our dreams, hopes, and ambitions contribute to who we are and how we show up in the world. We do everything in our power to protect them and achieve them. However we can’t always see what is wrong or why we aren’t achieving them. We can try yes. We can learn tools, tips and tricks, but that doesn’t always resolve the issue. Because we are an energetic match to the energy around us and we create and live from that frequency.

These are trapped emotions and these emotions keep us from being the happy, loving, successful person we truly want to be. That we truly are.

  • Are you exhausted, stuck, and overwhelmed by life. But know you have incredible gifts and dreams to share with the world?

  • Do you find that you have done the work on yourself yet still feel stuck? Like you’ve done the work, followed the systems, and still can't clear the blocks?

  • Do you want to live a life of ease and grace, but everywhere you turn you are met with resistance and challenges?

  • Do you know that there are patterns, programs, addictions that have plagued your family and you know that you need help releasing them so that you can change the legacy of your family and free your children from the suffer cycle?

  • You’ve looked at healing, you know you need it but it feels too overwhelming and your not sure what to do or where to start?

  • That you want to change the world and do your part to make it a better place during your time here.

We can release this! Helping you live free living your truest frequency, your truest life!


Receive over $32,400 in releases payment plans available.


In this package we will work through…


  • Trapped emotions

  • Inherited emotions

  • Past life emotions

and so much more.

Making sure you have optimal function and balance of your being. By the time we are done you will be able to see, feel, and experience the difference in your whole life. Every aspect of your life will be better!


Picture waking up one year from today. You are the truest, realest, most powerful version of your self that you have ever envisioned. You are living your dream life. You know exactly who you are mind, body, and soul!

You find peace in your mind, body, and being. Each day is balanced. You easily find joy and connect to life with love, ease, and grace.

Today you might be reading this and thinking “that sounds great, but that’s why they call it a dream life… You don’t know my story, my struggles, and what I have had to overcome to get to here.”

Your right. I don’t know YOU. However I know me, and I know hundreds of women like us that are choosing to let go of their baggage, their old stories, their old patterns, and their inherited, ancestral, and past life baggage and it is transforming our lives and the world.

I want to help you make this your reality too. Think about waking up and living free each day. How you will feel when you release, align, and transcend to become the person you know you are! How you will show up in your life and the world when you become the truest version of the incredible person you ARE!


By removing your trapped emotions you will:

  • Experience a greater sense of self.

  • You will feel more at ease and connected to your self, your energy, and your life.

  • Your behavior will be more balanced and calm.

  • Stress and overwhelm will melt away.

  • You can also expect to ease the pains, fears, and anxieties that cause you imbalance.

As these are side effects of having trapped emotions and what happens when you release them.


With each session you will also receive:

The Gathering Clearing where I cut chords, balance and mend auras, chakras, magnetic fields, and protective shield. (Value of $125)

Angelic Reiki to support your release and your rebalance. (Value of $125)

You will also have email/ messenger access to me should you have any questions.


This package is for you if you are:

  • Looking to make BIG changes in your life!

  • Looking to break the struggle cycle, patterns, and programs you have and that you have inherited.

  • Looking to live your healthiest, happiest, most aligned life.

  • Looking to live and leave a legacy life!

By the end of this package you will be able to see a difference ALL areas of your life!


Raise Your Vibration

Releasing trapped emotions and events from your conscious and subconscious mind, changing the frequency, the silent conversation of who you are in the world. Also changing what you attract in your world.

Release Your Baggage

You will release where your energy, trauma, and events in life are trapped, preventing you from stepping fully into alignment with your divine true self. Allowing you to truly reconnect with you and love yourself on a level you never knew existed.

Mend Your Ancestral Wounds

Each of us come from people who sacrificed, worked hard, endured, and overcame all types of events and hardships. They dictate aspects of who we will be and how we will show up in the world. Some are hurting us though, and hurting our families. I want to help you free your family and free your ancestors from those burdens.

Free Your Legacy

Much like with our ancestral wounds we have and create our own. I want to help you come to peace with them so that your children, grandchildren and legacy don’t have to carry that burden.


Receive over $32,400 in releases



I know your probably thinking what exactly will we be releasing?

During the sessions we release trapped emotions that are effecting you and your overall well being each month focused at specifically curated topics and themes. We will check on your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. We will work through the trapped emotions, hidden trapped emotions, inherited trapped emotions, and past life trapped emotions just to name a few. 

Each month dedicated to focused area:



Focused areas of release for each month: 

Month 1: Releasing your heart-wall

Month 2: Releasing Trapped Emotions affecting self-worth, self-love, self-care, and self-acceptance

Month 3: Releasing Trapped Emotions affecting love, relationships, and co-dependency

Month 4: Releasing Environmental Responses (How you react to life, work, and family)

Month 5: Releasing Physical and Emotional pain

Month 6: Releasing Traumas and Addictions

Month 7: Releasing, Resetting, and re-balancing Your Physical and Spiritual Chakras

Month 8: Releasing Trapped Emotions from your Auras and Energy Fields

Month 9: Releasing Trapped Emotions affecting your relationship with the Planets

Month 10: Releasing Trapped Emotions affecting your relationship with the Houses

Month 11: Releasing Trapped Emotions affecting your relationship with the Zodiac Signs.

Month 12: Releasing Abundance Blocks!

Month 13: Bonus Month Human Design Release!



  • One 30 minute call (via Zoom) a month to discuss the topic of the month and release. (Value of $333)

  • 3 Full Distance Sessions on focused topics with email to recap releases. ( Value of $750)

  • 4 Gathering Clearings. (Value of $500)

  • 4 Angelic Reiki Sessions. (Value of $500)

  • Unlimited email support with me during your program. I will be accessible during business hours to provide additional guidance and answer any questions that may come up during the month.  

This is valued at $2,700 each month and $32,400 for the year.


I created this package to help support you in becoming the best version of YOU.

To give you the opportunity to receive the love and happiness you deserve. 

To support you in journey of self discovery, and creating your mark on the world.


To book these sessions out individually and receive these releases it would take three years and $32,400 minimum.

I don’t want anyone to have to wait that long which is why I have formatted this release in this fashion making it accessible in 12 months and at an a more than generous price.

Why would I dedicate so much time and take such a huge pay cut? Because my mission, my legacy in this world is supporting those who are looking to free themselves, their families, and raise the vibration of the planet. I know that is you if you are here reading this.


*Pay in Full and receive a $2,000 discount!*

*Early Bird Special! Only available through March 30th.

Frequently asked Questions:

Do I have to attend each session?

No. There is a mix of 1:1 and full distance sessions. So you will have ONE Zoom/Call sessions each monththat you book for the time date that fits your schedule. The other sessions will be complete full distance were you will recieve you're notes via email within 24-48 hours of your session.

Do I have to make sure I do anything during the session?

No. You can go about your day. You will still recieve an effective release if you are meditating or going about your normal day. It's up to you what you choose to do just remember to stay well hydrated.

Do I have to do anything special for my release?

No. Just drink plety of water and be open to release.

Is there a way to get a lower payment plan? Or monthly payment plan?

Yes. You can create a payment plan outside of the one we offer through PayPal. Please note we do not handle any of that and you will need to check terms and conditions on your own. As we are not liable or responsible for that platform.

What if I want to do some of these releases but not all of them?

Then this is not for you and you can learn more about the packages and programs offered here.


HAVE MORE QUESTIONS? Check out the FAQs, and the Start here section.


What people are saying about working with Rebecca: