focused women’s health
A topic very near and dear to my heart is woman's health.
Not only because I am a woman…
Because in all the years of my work and life I see that woman put their needs on the back burner. It is not intentional in most cases it isn't even because we don't love ourselves. We just love others more.
We are trying to spin to many plates and wear to many hats. We get so busy doing for others, working and staying a float that we forget to care for ourselves, to have self-care.
As a mom of two tiny humans and an entrepreneur I know this is a slippery slope. A rabbit hole so to speak.
As women we find that even though we love our families after having our babies we just don't "feel" the same as we once did.
Yes that’s normal and to be expected. However what if it didn’t have to be?
I hear so often "were did I go?" from other women and clients.
I too started to feel this way at one time.
That is why I created this package. To help support woman who are feeling like I was. Because we can’t be the wife and mother we want to be feeling this disconnection from self.
Watch this video where I explain women’s health release!
Do you find that your moody, you swing quickly in your emotions?
Are you tired more often than not?
Do you forget what YOU feel like. Like “Who is this person and when did she take over my body?”
Have you been trying everything under the sun but can’t seem to figure out what is actually “wrong”?
These are due trapped emotions causing everything from misalignment to hormonal imbalances. We can release this! Bringing balance and alignment back into your life!
In this package we will work through areas that effect your cycles.
Checking for:
Trapped emotions
Inherited emotions
Past life emotions
and more.
Making sure you have optimal function and connection by resetting and balancing hormones, and organs. By the time we are done you feel at home in your body again!
By releasing you will:
Experience more emotional balance.
You will feel more at ease and connected to yourself.
You will have more energy.
You can also expect to ease pain.
As these are side effects of having imbalances.
You will receive tools and techniques to keep you from recreating old habits.
Each session with your release you will also receive The Gathering Clearing where I cut chords for you, balance and mend your auras, chakras, magnetic fields, and protective shield.
You will also have email/ messenger access to me should you have any questions.
This package is for women who are:
Looking to bring balance to their cycle.
Who want to have relationships with their self and their families.
Who want to break the cycle of “MEN-O-Pause.”
By the end of this package we will bring balance back to your being!
I know your probably thinking what exactly will I be able to release? In the sessions we will look at resetting and balancing hormones, organs, and releasing emotions that are effecting you feeling like "you." This is a great package for any woman, of coarse. But has huge benefits for woman who are done with "mothering". Which means you don't plan on having more babies and you are completely weened. Even for woman entering (or that have gone through) the change. In these sessions also look at any imbalances, underlying situations and inherited issues that may be effecting you and your cycles.
I will help you back to the you that you love and have missed.
You can have all the things you want in life and share the love you want when you are the happiest in your own skin.
Frequently asked questions:
Can this help my mood swings?
Yes! We will be working through balancing your hormones and the organs that effect them along with your cycles so this will definately be helpful.
Can this help me sleep better?
Yes! Many times your not sleeping well because of hormonal imbalances and your internal clock being out of balance. We will relase trapped emotions effecting that and reset and balance them which will then help you sleep better.
Will this help me feel better?
Yes. With balance in your femine energy and releasing the trapped emotions causing you resistance and imbalance you will feel more connected to your body, have more energy, and find your motabolism is working with you! All helping you feel better!
HAVE MORE QUESTIONS? Check out the FAQs, and the Start here section.
What people are saying about working with Rebecca:
Photography compliments of Becca Tapert on Unsplash