Empowered birth package

empowered birth emotion code release with rebecca packard

You were made for this!

Energy. LIFE SOURCE. Vessel of Life. Bringing of beings!

You were made for this moment. The fiber of your being and the DNA you carry has been programmed to fulfill this priceless gift.

However the out side world has separated you. Even shown you false information about what it is to bring life into the world.

I want to help you. I want to empower you.


To bring life into the world is no small task.

You are putting together the hardest puzzle you have ever been given, in the dark, with no hands, no instructions, and no cheat sheets.

Then you have to bring it into the world through you before you can see what you have created!

With everyone telling you how, when, and why you should. It can be overwhelming to say the least.

Watch this video where I explain the empowered birth package!


I created this package to help to empower you in your birth. Allowing you to embrace and connect with your baby and experience. 

  • Are you scared of the idea of labor?

  • Are you literally dreading your delivery and post birth recovery?

  • Do you have everyone telling you all about their experience yet none of it is in alignment with what you want?

  • Have you been having a difficult pregnancy and don’t want to have a difficult birth?

  • You want to have an empowered birth without the emotional baggage of your past births or ancestral births.

These are due to trapped emotions causing everything from misalignments to blocks. We can release this! Allowing you to embrace your labor and delivery experience empowered!

empowered birth emotion code release with rebecca packard

In this package we will release areas that are:

  • creating fear around birth.

  • causing you discomfort and pain.

  • potential reasons of a stalled birth. 

  • that can effect your ability to connect with your baby

and more.

Helping to have an empowered and an aligned birth.  


By releasing you will:

  • Experience a gentler pregnancy, birth, and recovery.

  • Feel a greater connection to yourself and your baby.

  • Feel more at ease and connected to your birth experience.

  • Have more energy and be more in tune.

As the lack of these things are side effects of having imbalances. 

empowered birth emotion code release with rebecca packard

You will receive tools and techniques to continue to support you in your final tri-mester, labor and delivery. That will even be useful in your settling in with your new life post birth.

With each session, you will also receive The Gathering Clearing where I cut chords for you, balance and mend your auras, magnetic fields, and protective shield among other things.

You will receive yoga poses, EFT, meditations, oils and crystals to aid you.

You will also have email/ messenger access to me should you have any questions.

empowered birth emotion code release with rebecca packard

This package is for you if you are:

  • Looking to embrace your birth experience.

  • You want to have an empowered birthing experience.

  • Want to connect to yourself and your baby more.

  • Want to feel at home in your body and have ease and grace during your birth experience!

By the end of this package you will feel more in tune with your body and pregnancy!



I know your probably thinking what exactly will I be able to release?

We will release trapped emotions, inherited emotions, past life emotions. Releasing fears, imposed ideas, and unconscious negative beliefs around birthing. Connect you and your body to bring and give life more easily.

These releases will give you optimal function and connection with you, your baby, and your birth experience.

empowered birth emotion code release with rebecca packard

I will help you connect with your body and be empowered in your birth experience.

Giving you optimal delivery and recovery while you welcome your new little to the world!


frequently asked questions:

Does this take the place of having a Dula?

No. Not at all. This is to support you emotionally and release your fear or resistance to giving birth. Your Dula or Mid wife is there to aid you in the live birth aspect of labor.

Do I have to make sure I'm close to my due date?

No. As long as we are releasing 72 hours before your in labor you will benefit from your releases.

Will this effect my baby?

Yes. It will allow your baby to enter the world in a more peaceful calm way because you won't be in the energy of fear.

HAVE MORE QUESTIONS? Check out the FAQs, and the Start here section.


What people are saying about working with Rebecca:

Photography complements of  Sandra Seitamaa on Unsplash