Week 5 / TLF
Welcome to our final week!
This has been an incredible few weeks. Sharing these tools with you has been a complete pleasure and hearing how they are already impacting your life and those around you is more than I could have even have hoped for. Thank you for taking this program and empowering yourself. For showing up for yourself. For showing up so you can be of service to those around you. Throughout my career as a first responder we were constantly told to follow a strict protocol of personal safety. If we didn't it could be the difference of ourselves or our partners going home that night. This course is a way for everyone to implement tools that can support them and help them the way those protocols helped us.
Over these weeks you have used these tools and seen which ones fit you and which ones may be saved for a later time. No worries the fact now is that you have them, you know them, and you can use them when the time calls for it. That being said lets learn one more tool!
Here is the BONUS tool and many ways to use it!
What is Jin Shin Jyutsu?
This is a Japanese technique that uses your bodies meridians and pressure points. A simple yet extremely effective way to create balance within the body and support your emotional well being by holding different points on the body. I will be walking you through the series I use with myself, my family and my clients. These are one of the easiest tools to implement because you will just be holding a spot on your hand. The most difficult part is remembering to use this tool when the time calls for it.
Who can use this?
This tool stays true to the rest of the theme of tools. As it is easy and effective for all age groups to use. My husband loves this tool, because for a long time he worked in an environment that he was not comfortable tapping in. Because of Jin Shin Jyutsu he was able to support himself and his emotional needs using the different holds we are going to learn here.
Watch here:
Full Body Balance
Sometimes we need to just readjust our whole body. We just feel completely out of whack. However maybe we can't get to our "go to" support person or get out side, because of work obligations. This whole hand hold can be extremely supportive during that time. Allowing you to create your own balance using the locks and opening your own meridians.
Watch here:
What to do when we can't stop worrying!
I find that I meet so many people who are worried. They worry about so many things that are completely out side of their control. Which distracts them from the things they can actually change. It is not their fault. Believe me I know exactly how this feels. I lived like this for far to long. It was a snow ball effect of undelt with events and outside influence. A great way to gain control of this and to empower yourself is to hold your thumb. You can hold your thumb (right to left, or left to right it doesn't matter, better yet do both!) to overcome worry and gain control of your thoughts again.
Watch here:
How to overcome fear:
Fear can be all consuming. People watch shows that are fear based and trigger their fear response for entertainment. Corporations have figured out that fear sells, so they even tap into fear to make sales. The problem here is that every time we do this, we are triggering our fight or flight response. This means we are causing our amygdala to release cortisol, increase our heart rate, and put us into survival mode. This directly effects our ability to make decisions or interact with others. Using this Lock you can take yourself out of fight or flight and help the body come back to a calm state. This tool is incredibly effective for nightmares. You can use it for fear based thoughts. You can use when you are in a situation that is inducing a fear response. Maybe you have anxiety in crowds that is a fear response. Using this technique can help you handle the situation.
Watch here:
A way to redirect anger:
Anger seems to be an epidemic these days. People are angry about even the smallest things. Anger is actually a secondary emotion. Anger is a fear response to a situation. Essentially anger is an emotional mask of a deeper emotion. Which is typically fear or sadness. So many people are living in fear or sadness these days. That is why people appear so angry. Everyone, no matter who you are or where you live are experiencing life in different ways and different levels. It is important we remember that people are people. We need to remember that even when we are having a hard day or someone is expressing anger, that they are responding to deeper emotions and you are only seeing the survival aspect of that response. It is easier to be reactive and in control with anger than to be vulnerable with fear or sadness. That is why this tool can be so helpful to you. It will allow you to determine and redirect situations where you or someone you know is experiencing anger. You simply hold your middle finger (left to right, or right to left, again better yet do both!). This tool can be used with spouses, parents, in meetings, at work, its versatility is endless.
Watch here:
Support through The Grief Process
All emotions are necessary in life. Each has it's own purpose. Some more painful than others. I find that this particular lock is so beneficial in being of support during some of our darkest times. Grief is a bottomless emotion. It can swallow you whole before you realize it. It can take you down the rabbit hole thinking your experiencing all these other emotions, but in the big picture you're grieving. You may be grieving a situation that was out of your control, you may be grieving a physical loss, or you may be grieving for a place in time. All of these can be very heavy and incredibly overwhelming. I have grieved in all of these areas and expressed that grief in so many different ways. It is my hope that this tool is one that you lean into often. Frequently we don't acknowledge how deep our grief is or how it can hold onto us. By holing your ring finger (right hand to left, left to right, for a more powerful effect do both.) you can support yourself in the space of grief. I often hear people push grief away or try to out run it. I also hear people tell others "keep going, don't stop, you can't sit in it.." True you can't sit in it; however, you also can't ignore it. That is when it will overtake you. That is why I share this particular hold with so many people. It allows you to honor your grieving process, but not become your grief.
Watch here:
When Judgement is everywhere:
With everyone plugged into social media, it seems like judgmental thoughts are everywhere. It is crazy, because they are extremely addictive thought patterns. The more you can catch yourself in a judgment and use a tool to redirect, the more you can choose to take back control of your thoughts again. It can be difficult to do this, because sometimes we don't want to believe or acknowledge that we are being judgmental. But we are human and it happens. The trick is when we are in that space of being judgmental, we are really being triggered by an emotion that a person or situation is drawing out of us. This is actually a space with in us that needs to be seen and given attention. A great tool for this is the pinky lock. Holding your pinky (right hand to left, or left to right, I encourage you to do both) can help you to release your judgmental thoughts. Even releasing the pattern when used consistently allowing you to let go of what was causing the judgment and separation.
Watch here:
I can't believe we are at the end of six weeks already! It is crazy how quickly the time has gone by. I am beyond excited for you to have these tools in your Life Tool Box. Know that you now hold the knowledge to empower yourself mentally and emotionally by implementing these tools. It has been an honor to share this space with you and to have you experience this work that I do. I hope that you continue to use all of these tools. The more you use them the more they can help you. The entire idea behind this program has been to give you a priceless ability to be proactive in your personal well being and by doing so, allowing those around you to choose to do the same. It is crazy how it works, but I can assure you that it does. I hope that you continue to use these tools and to share your experiences with me. If you haven't already I invite you connect with me on Facebook and Instagram.
To work more deeply with these tools or have support working with these tools you can book sessions to work with me through my website www.rebeccapackard.com
To host a workshop, event or speaking engagement contact me at Rebecca.LiveFree@RebeccaPackard.com
Learn more about the Jin Shin Jyutsu tools and see the holds closer CLICK HERE
*50% of ALL proceeds from ALL our sales goes to running this project. Help support it getting more support by working with me 1:1 or be part of our mission helping get these tools into the hands of those who need them most!