Things I Love

It wouldn't be right for me not to share with you my most beloved tools and practices. Since my biggest goal is to help you and aid you on your journey. So I have created lists of my favorite things, favorite tools, and must my have items. I hope you enjoy them!


*I affiliate for some but not all products that I share. I ONLY share products that I personally use. You can purchase these recommended items right in my shop. Each will have a link associated with it. 

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Moos Malas

If you have joined me in meditation or even seen me out and about you may have seen me wearing one of my beloved malas. Erika Carpenter is the owner of Moos Malas. She hand crafts each mala she makes with positive energy and guided intention. She has crafted many of my malas. I absolutely adore her and her her work. Check out her pieces here on her Etsy site:


EHT Brain Health Supplement

As a practitioner and a mother I am always looking to make the best health decisions I can. I don't know how I would run my business and home with out this. EHT helps keep me focused and gives me the stamina I need to do what I love to do. Learn more about it here under wellness:

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Youth Factor Total Wellness 

This supplement is my go to for complete health and wellness. I take the pill in the am and the drink in the afternoon.  I love the energy I feel from having complete pH balance and cell nutrition. Get it here:

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The Emotion Code

In this book you will learn more about the Emotion Code, how it came to be and how it works.  This book is written by Dr. Bradley Nelson. He shares how this incredible life changing  modality came to be and how it affected his life. Get your copy here:


If you know me and work with me you know I am all about living an active and comfortable life. Like my friend and mentor Val White says "If it's not fun don't do it” and “If you don't love it don't wear it." I completely embrace that moto. I want to share with you some of my staples, must haves, that make my life easier and more fulfilled. Items I use and wear regularly.

My style is pretty simple and classic. I love comfort and class. I can always be found with a cardigan, comfortable layered shirts and of course a great pair of leggings. Also lets be totally transparent I have pretty much “Steve Jobs”-ed my wardrobe rather unintentionally but it works for me. I wear a lot of black. I have boys and run multiple businesses, black allows me to look clean, and put together even when I’m not (because I am human after all). Also it’s my personal power color. So winning.


I love to be comfortable in my body and in my surroundings. A few things you would notice if you were to visit me is that I have throws of all shapes, weights, sizes around my house. There is nothing better than having a lap blanket while sitting or reading. I also have a lot moon decor. I love everything about the moon.

A staple in my day is drawing cards. I draw cards to get direction, support, and clarity. Many times I share my draws in my Facebook story or my Instagram story. I have decks that I use ALL the time. My favorites are here:

Mystical Shaman Oracle Cards
By Alberto Villoldo, Colette Baron-Reid

My must have items for my yoga routine. You can't beat a great water bottle and yoga mat. I mean they are the staple in a solid practice. I am a multi tasker (if it won't hinder what I am doing) so balancing my chakras while doing yoga and then really getting balanced with color therapy in shavasana is a great way I like to multi task! 


Tea has been a part of my life my entire life. My mom is a big tea drinker. I have made tea a part of my afternoon self-care routine. My husband and I talk over a cup of tea after dinner every night. We have tried so many teas. Here are some of our favorites. Plus great mugs to drink them in. If you follow me on Instagram you have seen me use my mermaid mug.