Tools For Life
As a wife, mother, teacher, and former First Re-sponder Rebecca has seen and experienced that life can get away from us. We can become overwhelmed, disconnected, and distracted. This can take a toll on us mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Some things can’t wait. Some things you have to do. Some things just happen. That doesn’t make them any easier. However in the decades that Rebecca has spent pouring her life into helping people she realized that there was one thing that everyone who she came across experienced and they didn’t have the tools to handle it.
She saw that people who used these tools regularly seemed to be able to overcome situations much easier, even completely bypassing them.
The Tools For Life Program came to life when Rebecca saw that preventative care and education helped people over come these life obstacles. Learn more about the program, how you can experience this program from the comfort of your home, and how you can help support this program getting into schools, youth programs, and community out reach programs. Here
Join The Peace Movement
Since 2015 Rebecca has held a daily meditation practice.
She invites you to join her. Taking 4 minutes at 2 p.m. EST (Live Tues-Fri on your own Sat-Mon.) to stop, breath, and connect. By taking time out to consciously choose peace. Resting, regrouping, and re-grounding your emotional state and your being. This recharges you for an amazing afternoon, or helps you get back on track to that amazing afternoon.
Hope you can join in. If not catch the replays on her Facebook page, YouTube channel, or Instagram.
The Gathering With Rebecca Packard
Rebecca invites you to become part of The Gathering. This is a space to heal, learn, and grow. You gain access to knowledge and tools she doesn’t share anywhere else. You also get access to guest healers, speakers, and coaches.
Moon Vibes
It is no secret that the moon controls the tides. It pulls and pushes, shifting the energy of the ocean. With that being said we humans are roughly 80% water (give or take depending on the person). So to say that the moon affects us would not be surprising.
For anyone who works in healthcare or school systems they say it laughingly “it must be a full moon” but it’s no joke. The moon really does pull and push us. The phases have been tracked for centuries. Zodiac, the months, the elements have all been tracked to align with different phases of the moon. These phases have different ways of showing up for us in our lives. They draw different experiences and emotional reactions.
Join in each New Moon and Full Moon to release the trapped emotions around the moon and what it holds. Working with Rebecca Packard and Val White during the Full Moon events and Rebecca and Marisa Imon during the New Moon events. Coming together for meditation, coaching, release, reflection, and renewal!
Space is limited and highly coveted Reserve your spot here!

Release Your Heart Wall
Want to have the best relationship with your significant other, your family, your friends, and even your co-workers?
Release your heart wall! You (and 93% of the planet) have a heart wall. What is this? It is an invisible wall you have created with the emotional baggage of your past.
Let me explain.
You see all of us go through hard times in life. We experience pain, loss, and things no one should have to go through. That is life. With that our subconscious mind, our great protector, wants to keep us safe. So it tries to. It creates this invisible wall to “keep our heart protected”.
Let me draw you a picture. Think of yourself as the Queen or Princess (Guys you have one to so picture yourself as the castle). Your subconscious is the King or great protector. It wants to keep you safe from anything and everything that might hurt you. So the first time you get hurt, maybe a sibling is cruel or friend hurts your feelings, the king says “Raise the wall!” and up starts this wall of protection. Then as you grow and life becomes life you lose someone you love, you have a bad break up, you have a trauma and on and on up goes the wall. Each time your unable to completely process the event or you feel like your heart will break up goes a layer. Till next thing you know you have a full blown wall, with a mote, alligators, armed knights, and no draw bridge.
Crazy right? It’s not. It’s keeping you from giving and receiving the you desire, the love you deserve. Worse it’s keeping those you love from feeling how much you truly love them.
Also have you ever noticed that you repeat patterns in relationships like not the good ones, or worse things from your parents relationships that were not their best lets say attributes? These can be from your heart wall.
Releasing your heart wall sets your heart free. It allows you to give and receive love fully. It allows others to feel the love you are giving and for you to feel the love others are giving to you. Allowing you to feel connected, whole, and complete.
Who doesn’t want that?
When I released my heart wall I felt an overwhelming sense of connection pour through me. People I have helped release their heart walls have told me “My relationship with my husband has never been better, I don’t even think we were this in love when we got married and that was 25 years ago!”, “My family has had a feud, for years we have had siblings not be able to be in the same room. This holiday they actually sat together and shared a laugh for the first time in 7 years.”, “ I was so angry all the time. My rage was something I could not overcome. Releasing my heart wall has let my rage go. I no longer feel the hate I once did.” and “ I thought my heart would never feel love again. After the death of my spouse I thought I couldn't ever love anyone. Releasing my heart wall makes me know that I want to love again, now when the time comes I will be ready to love again!”
To be a part of each of these journeys is a great honor. It has been incredible to see the transformation that takes place. It’s amazing the glow that returns to people when they reconnect with their heart.
To learn more on releasing your heart wall click here

Full Distance Session
Work with Rebecca from anywhere at any time. She offers full distance sessions.
What does this mean?
This means that no matter how far away you live, what time zone you live in, and how busy you are you can still experience Rebecca’s work and release the trapped emotions that are causing you imbalances.
In a full distance session you go about life while Rebecca works on you through what is called a proxy testing. You receive an email within 24 hours with the notes from your session.

Be The Best You!
Release the emotions keeping you from being the best you!
The Best Mom, The Best Wife, The Best Friend.
Let go of the baggage and become you again.

Redesign Your Life
Stop looking outside yourself to find your truth, to find your power, to find your bliss. It’s all right inside of you. You’ve just forgotten.
When we are children the sky isn’t even the limit, stars are reachable, and our fire is never fading. Then we “grow-up” or what I believe we “push-down”. We push down our truth, we push down our uniqueness, and we take on emotional baggage that weighs us down.
You feel it though. Right? That fire inside of you. That voice that keeps telling you to set yourself free. That part of you that wants to be limitless!
Well it’s time to redesign your life. It’s time to let go of all the baggage you have accumulated. It’s time to get back to being YOU!
Learn more about the exclusive VIP experience that I offer to only 20 people a year here.

5 Ways The Emotion Code Can Help You Live Your Life
Get this FREE ebook that shares 5 ways the Emotion Code can help you live best your life.