New Moon Release | Full Distance Event
We are like the tides. Continuously ebbing and flowing.
We are 80% water. When we look into the spiritual, natural, and metaphysical world water is associated with our emotions.
So it only makes sense that our emotions are amplified by the the waxing and waning of the moon. Even NASA is recognizing it finally! I mean ancient texts have been saying it for centuries.
This makes it a no brainer to support ourselves in these different phases of life and time by releasing, resetting, and rebalancing.
That is why since 2016 I have offered New moon releases. These events like life have ebbed and flowed. Yet at the core the release has taken center stage. Today I offer these in a super focused space and limited capacity (only 13 spaces available).
In this full distance event I , Rebeca Packard, support you in making the most of your releasing during the New Moon.
With guided:
moon insight,
focused individual emotion code new moon release.