Divine Connection

22 Chakra Balance

Many people recognize the 7 Chakras. However we have hundreds of these energy centers and connections all throughout our energetic fields. In this package we work work with the 22 Chakras. 

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We are energy. We are all made of energy. 

Our chakras help to keep us in balance. These spinning wheels of energy effect our physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental energies. They have correlating organs and meridians that they effect. When they are out of balance we can have a host of problems. Sometimes these issues arise as aches and pains other times as illnesses. By keeping our chakras clean and clear they are able to function at an optimal level. This allows us to live healthy and happy.

Many people (including myself) use oils, crystals, meditation, other practices and modalities to align these disks for optimal energy and health. But what if you have something (an energy or vibration) that is affecting your chakra and keeping it from alignment or worse that keeps pushing it out of alignment?

In this package we will work through 22 of your most important chakras. You have hundreds (maybe even thousands) of them. We will work from the ground up so that we can help you to stay grounded and connected during this journey. We will check for trapped emotions, inherited emotions, past life emotions and more. We will reset and balance each chakra before moving on to the next to make sure you have optimal function and connection. We will also work with correlating areas of the body that are affecting or being affected  by this misalignment. 

By doing this work you will experience a greater sense of self. You will feel more at ease and connected to yourself, your energy, Mother Earth and the collective consiousness. You can also expect to ease pain, fear, and anxiousness as these are flags that you have imbalances.

During this time I will aid you with tools to help you. I will share yoga poses, meditations, oils and crystal suggestions. You will also have email/ messenger access to me should you have questions.


I Want this:

Payment Plans:


This package is for people who are looking to live a more balanced life.  Being connected to self and source energy. In this package we will be working through all of your chakras on multiple levels. Exciting I know! With this package you will receive support tools to help you through this work.  What will you get? So glad you asked. You will receive an email with a guided meditation, a yoga sequence, suggested oils, suggested crystals, and my favorite tools and tips.  


Do you find that you work on yourself but still feel stuck?

Have you practiced modalities and used tools and still your chakras seem out of alignment? (you're unbalanced, have sickness, or fatigue)

Do you know what your block is and you are not able to clear it yourself?

Are you an energy healer or holistic healer that wants to be completely balanced and harness the power of your chakras?


I created this package to help people live in Balance. To allow people to live in alignment. 


I know what it is like to pour countless hours into self-care and self-love. To take course after course to better myself and release blocks. To spend thousands of dollars and still be lost. Like what the... It is frustrating. I can completely relate. I have the most amazing mentors, teachers and friends. Like, world class support so, why couldn't I figure it out? This is, because it wasn't all mine and it wasn't all in an area I could even find. Using the Emotion Code and Body Code I have created a way to allow you to release and align on many levels you may have never even thought to look at. To let go of the baggage that your sneaky subconscious has hidden away.  To release the traumas of your ancestors and your past lives that you didn't even know you were carrying. So, that all the time, money, and work you have done can truly be of service to you and you can put it all into action. THIS IS COMPLETELY POSSIBLE FOR YOU! I am here to help you to get to that space. 

In this package

This 22 Chakra Balancing Package gives you 6 sessions to work on releasing, re-balancing, and re-aligning. In this journey you will have the ability to schedule each of your 30 min. appointments for the time and day that suits you. You will have the option to call in, zoom in, or have a full distance session. You will also receive my Chakra course Balance Your Life To Live Free. 


“After I’ve had a session with you, when I’m at my breaking point, you (Rebecca) wind up leaving me free from a year of all the exhausting feelings I have been having and I feel purely validated and freed from them.”



I know you're probably thinking what exactly will I be able to release? During this package, we will work in each chakra. Starting from the ground up. We will release trapped emotions that are effecting your chakras and your overall well being. We will check each chakra on it's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. We will work through each chakra releasing trapped emotions, hidden trapped emotions, inherited trapped emotions, and past life trapped emotions. We will reset and balance each before moving to the next. I can't wait for you to start this release and become balanced!


Payment Plans:


“Rebecca came highly recommended by a friend of mine. I have to admit, going into the session I had no idea what to expect! I was blown away by my experience with her. She explained everything that was going to happen in our time together via webcam making me feel very much at ease. Her high vibe and compassionate personality is matched by her gifts. She is highly intuitive, extremely tuned in, and professional to a fault. She made me feel so comfortable throughout my session and afterwards I felt amazing. I can’t wait to see where our sessions will take us in the future. I will definitely be a repeat customer!”

— VAL W.

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With this package you will also receive a special email filled with specific tools. These tools are for you to grow and aid you in this work to stay aligned and balanced. You will receive a yoga sequence catered to balancing the chakras, a focused guided meditation, journal prompts, suggested oils, foods and other support tools! All of these tools will be to help you during and after your processing, because as much as I want to work with everyone forever I really want to help you, aid you, and give you the tools to give you personal power to support yourself on your journey. As healing and growing is a life long journey.

In this package

6 - 30 minute Emotion Code and Body Code Sessions where we will release your trapped emotions

1 Yoga Sequence

Recommended Oils for support

Recommended crystals for support


1 Guided Meditation

Journaling prompts

Moon sequence

Unlimited access to me via email and messenger 

My guidance and support 

*This email portion is worth $710



Payment Plans:





“I had no idea what to expect. I could feel the energy moving when you (Rebecca) were working. This is amazing! I feel so awesome!”

— KIM L.


THIS IS THE TIME TO find balance from within

If you had met me years ago, you would see that I loved to help people, but you would see that I was defeated. The help I could offer wasn't long term and it was merely a band aid. What will come from this work will be completely transformational and life changing. This will not only set you on the most incredible path you could imagine, but it will also release the energetic bonds that have effected your lineage clearing the road for your family. I can attest to that, so can my family. This work is something that is long term. It has instant and long term effects. The tools you will get will help you long after you have finished your sessions. During this time you will grow in ways you couldn't imagine. You mend areas you didn't even realize needed mending. I can't wait for you to start this work so you can find balance within!

I am so excited for you!!!


What is the Emotion Code and Body Code?

The Emotion Code and Body Code are a modality of holistic healing that targets and releases your negative energy and trapped emotions.

Does this hurt?

No. This is a painless modality. You may feel lighter, freer, and like you have visited a spa. We are only releasing your negative energy.

When will I notice if it worked?

You will immediately feel something whether you feel at ease, lighter or calm. You may have to wait to see a big impact moment, by seeing if situations that would have triggered you before still effect you or if you start to respond to things differently. The change can happen gradually depending on what area we are working on.

What if I am not a healer or coach? Is this still worth it for me to do?

YES! You don't have to be a healer to want to live free and your profession doesn't need to be a coach as we are all constantly coaching ourselves and those around us. Every one can and does benefit from this work.

How do the sessions work? I don't live near you!

No worries, there is no commute! I have a virtual office and I see clients all over the world. When you set your appointment you will receive a confirmation email. That email will have a phone number and a Zoom ID number. At the time of your appointment you can choose to call in or join the Zoom (Video Chat, a free platform used world wide on all phone systems)

What if I'm really busy and your times don't work with my schedule?

Don't worry I have the ability to work with your schedule. Doing distance sessions  where you can receive your session then I send you an email of what took place.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for a session?

I recommend drinking water to help you transfer energy better.

How many sessions do I need?

During this package we will be focusing on the major key components that will shift you in great areas of your life. Our goal will be to release the biggest emotions that are keeping you stuck and blocked. Depending on your life and the events that have taken place during it you may need more work in certain areas. This is different for everyone.

Why don't you need to touch me when you do this work?

This is a form of energy work. This makes it, so I don't need to be in physical contact with you. I actually don't come in contact with people even when we are in the same space. This keeps your energy yours and mine, my own. It also allows for me to get clearer answers from you. Some of the things that come up are not always the prettiest. That being said you could want to answer one way and your subconscious wants to answer another, so we aren't getting a clear answer.



Are you ready to let go?

Are you ready to break the chains?

Are you ready to step into your true light?

Are you ready to put the baggage down?

I have spent the last few years deeply involved in my own self growth and healing. I have invested into myself and grown, but I also needed more. I removed the trapped emotions of the traumas of my life, of my ancestors, and past lives. I have done this work to myself and released the areas that we will work through for you too. It is beyond freeing! It is bliss! The transformation has been incredible for those who have done it. I have implemented the tools that I will share with you. I will help you to heal and release, so you can live aligned and balanced too!

It is not for me to talk you into taking on a huge commitment. As this is not, it is 30 minutes a week over a 6 week period that will radically change your life. I am here to show you that you can have everything your heart desires, by letting go of that which does not serve you. I am here to show you that sometimes we need help to achieve our true greatness and that is okay. I am devoted to healing the world, to raising the collective vibration and I do that every time I do this work. You too can be part of that and achieve your greatest self. You can release fear and step into truth with unconditional love, grace and owning who you are unapologetically!




For payment plans:

*This entire package is valued over $2,910!